

发布: 2016-11-29 |  作者: 佚名 |   来源: 转载

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  Cutting Cost in Pig Production

  利润=销售 - 成本

  Profit = Sales - Cost


  It is simple to cost on any pig farm anywhere in the world by 60% to 70% immediately. Do not feed the pigs!! It can be reduced by another 4% or 5% by firing all the staff!! I think most people understand that both of these are not good for the business. Without cost we have no business! Believe it or not I have visited pig farms where this does happen!! Not surprisingly these farms go bankrupt.

  削减成本的下一个简单的方式就是简单地不支出任何事物就可以了。但是这一点对企业也不好。没有供应物,食品,基因,药品,能量用水等支出来运营一个猪场是不可能的。不支出这些最终意味着没有人来供应。没有投入的供应意味着猪场会破产。The next easy way to cut cost is simply not to pay for things. Once again this is not good for business. It is impossible to operate a farm without supplies, food, genetics, medicine, energy water etc. Not paying for these ultimately means nobody will supply. No supply of inputs means farm will go bankrupt.


  The last easy way to cut cost is by negotiating prices for supplies so low that suppliers can't make money. Again this is not in the long run good for business. Suppliers have to make money to survive and a farm can't survive without suppliers.


  Therefore, to understand how to cut cost first we must understand what cost it actually means. Many people do not!


  Increasing Output (sales) Reduces Cost?


  To understand why this is you need to understand what fixed and variable costs are.

  无论销售量多少固定成本都保持不变!但是可变成本是随着销售量的变化而变化的。Fixed costs stay the same regardless of volume of sales! Whereas variable costs change with volume of sales.


  To understand further let's look at a single pig. This single pig we are going to sell at 120kg rather than 110kg. What do we need to buy more of? What are the variable costs.


  The cost of the farm, labour, electric, gas, administration all stay the same. They are fixed. Even the amount of sow food used, cost of genetics etc. also stay the same, these are also fived. The 3 things that change are extra food and water the pig has consumed to grow 5kg and there is some extra slurry to spread.


  In reality though the cost of extra water and slurry disposal are so small that they are effectively fixed.


  Increasing sales (more kg of pigmeat) always reduced fixed cost!


  Also very obviously increasing kg of pigmeat sold increases income!!!


  What Does Cost Cutting Really Mean?


  What we really mean when we talk about cutting cost is avoiding waste!


  Physical waste, food, medicines, supplies, gas and electric water etc.!


  Wasting time doing jobs, we do not need to do!


  Wasting money buying equipment, food ingredients, medicines and supplies, we do not need!


  Wasting time with excessive administration / accounting!


  Wasting opportunities to produce more!


  Excessive mortality, zero mortality is impossible!


  How Do We Decide What Is Waste?


  Physical waste of anything is blatantly obvious, or at least it should be. However, I find it staggering the number of farms I visit with badly set feeders that waste feed!


  Food on the floor around feeders or under slats means 5% to 10% feed waste.


  If I told a farm to deliver feed for 3 to 5 weeks directly to the slurry lagoon they would correctly think I was crazy. However, setting feeders badly or using badly designed feeders, so food goes into the slurry pits is exactly the same thing.


  I have visited many farms that proudly show me their home made feeders that they 'saved a fortune' building, that are spilling food all over the floor. Have they saved money? Absolutely not!


  A feeder for 40 finisher pigs will have about 100kg of food per day pass through it. Over a 10 year working life that means a feeder will have about 375 tonnes of food pass through it!


  Assuming 15,000 Roubles per tonne ($200) this means the value of the food that passes through a feeder is 5,625,000 Roubles ($7,500)。 Assuming 10% waste this is 562,500 Roubles $750 vs saving made by making your own feeder!!!


  One of the worst cases of feed waste I have seen!



  This slurry pit had a 10cm crust of waste feed on it!


  To find physical waste of inputs you simply need to walk around a farm with your eyes open and look!!!


  To Understand Other Forms of Waste Use a Calculator! (or the modern day equivalent the spreadsheet)。

  我们要计算什么呢?很简单。成本和回报。我们知道什么是成本(我们为服务或产品支付的)。回报也很容易计算,因为我们只卖一样东西!合算成多少公斤的猪肉。记住 利润=销售-成本!!

  What are we calculating? Simple. Cost and return. The cost we know (what we are paying for the service or goods)。 Return is also easy as we sell only one thing! Kg pig meat. Remember profit = sales - cost!!


  Therefore, the calculation is,


  If we buy this piece of equipment how many more kg can we sell?


  If we use this feed ingredient how many more kg can we sell?


  If we use this vaccine or medicine how many more kg can we sell?


  If we use these genetics how many more kg will we sell?


  If we stop doing this job how many kg less will we sell?


  If we stop buying this ingredient how many less kg will we sell?


  If we stop using this medicine or vaccine how many less kg will we sell?


  If we stop using proper genetics how many less kg will we sell?


  If we do not fill in this form how many less kg will we sell?


  The only exception here is actions or reports that are required by law. Here the question is, will we be prosecuted and or fined if we do not do this?


  All of these calculations are not difficult to do. They do not need a degree in economics! What they do need is a basic understanding of cause and effect. What will the outcome of an action be on sales of pig meat? It is this part that sometimes requires very specialist skills or properly run trials or benchmarking (if farm A can do this then so can farm B)。


  I have seen an incredible number of bad decisions taken by people who were unable to do simple calculations, mainly because of lack of knowledge of the cause of an action or the data they were using to calculate was not correct in the first place and in some circumstances the data used was simply guessed!


  Some examples of decisions that are almost always bad ones (that is they actually increase cost and reduce profitabilty) are;

  -家庭自制料槽Homemade feeders.

  -给猪更多的空间Giving pigs more space.

  -运用自己的育种方案Running own genetic program.

  -减少了猪群规模Reducing herd size.

  -减少屠宰重Reducing slaughter weight.

  -让猪舍空置几天甚至几周Leaving buildings empty for days or even weeks.

  -为以防万一修建“额外的猪舍空间”Building 'extra spaces' just in case.

  -销售‘san brak' Selling 'san brak'

  -增加行政事务Increasing administration.

  -家庭自制数据记录软件Home-made recording programs.

  俄罗斯养猪业 - 新纪元!

  Russian Pig Industry - New Era!


  Russia is nearing self-sufficiency. This means internal market supply and demand which will inevitably reduce pig price. To maintain profitability requires cost reduction.

  持续的扩张意味着进入出口市场。这就需要在成本(和品质)上具有全球竞争力。Continued expansion means entering export markets. This requires being globally competitive on cost (and quality)。


  This new era means pig business's have to totally review everything they do. There are many traditions within the Russian industry that have to change for it to become globally competitive. The industry will need some help from government in reducing the massive administrative burden and excessive red tape.


  Most importantly business itself has to really start to properly understand cost and cost cutting.


  We all like subsidy and subsidy does help to kick start investment. Ultimately however if a business is only profitable due to subsidy then it is bad business and will ultimately fail.

  作者:加裕俄罗斯,远东和欧洲区域总经理Simon Grey先生

  written by Mr. Simon Grey, General Manager Russia, CIS, and Europe



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