
国家猪肉生产商委员会承诺 保持对加拿大和墨西哥的猪肉出口

发布: 2017-02-06 |  作者: 搜猪网翻译官 |   来源: 搜猪网

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   US - The National Pork Producers Council has committed to work with the Trump administration to preserve tariff-free market access for US pork exports to Canada and Mexico. The administration is planning to pursue trade discussions with the two countries.“As far a pork is concerned, the trade deals with Canada and Mexico have been tremendous for US pork producers,” said NPPC President John Weber, a pork producer from Dysart, Iowa.“Our exports to those nations exploded because of the trade pact we have with them. But we know that some concerns have been raised by others, so we are committed to working with the Trump administration in looking for ways to improve our trade relationships with Canada and Mexico.”

  美国国家猪肉生产商委员会(NPPC)作出承诺,将与特朗普政府一起努力,为美国出口到加拿大与墨西哥的猪肉保留一个免税市场。特朗普政府正在计划跟加拿大和墨西哥两国进行贸易洽谈。John Weber作为一名来自爱荷华州戴萨特地区的养猪户,同时也是国家猪肉生产商委员会主席,他说:“就猪肉而言,美国与加拿大墨西哥的贸易协定对美国猪肉生产商至关重要。我们对加拿大和墨西哥的猪肉出口业务,之所以突飞猛进,是因为我们与他们有着贸易协定,但我们还知道在其他方面已经产生了不少问题,所以我们想要和特朗普政府一同,寻找到改善美国和加拿大与墨西哥贸易关系的方法。”

TAG: 猪肉 猪肉生产商委员会 加拿大 墨西哥 猪肉出口
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