

发布: 2012-09-28 |  作者: 佚名 |   来源: 转载

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  Lead scientists in Hypor, the pig breeding division of Hendrix Genetics, have teamed up with Hendrix Genetics' new Genomics Laboratory to develop an innovative and effective program of genomic selection. Hypor is the first to have implemented this technology within existing breeding programs for the pig industry, and is creating new opportunities in genetic development that integrate BLUP and a greater understanding into DNA composition.


  The Genomics Laboratory is Hendrix Genetics' own leading-class Research & Development centre situated in France; a central location dedicated to the global molecular DNA work for all divisions across Hendrix Genetics. For Hypor, blood and tissue samples are taken from their own and their customers pigs, and are shipped back to the lab, where DNA is extracted and stored in a BioBank. Following analysis and genotyping, Hypor geneticists, utilize this information to accelerate their own breeding programs and their customer's breeding programs.


  “By centralizing all molecular DNA work, we are also bringing together all expertise and knowledge that has been built up across all our species. For Hypor this will bring an added value to their breeding programs and will open doors for future developments much faster. As a team we combine and direct individual accomplishments towards our organizational goals” says Pieter van As, Molecular Geneticist of the Research & Technology Centre and Manager of the Genomics Laboratory.

  通过把所有的分子DNA工作集中在一起,把我们公司各种不同物种的育种技术和经验能有效地结合和加以利用。对于海波尔,这将对现在的育种程序带来附加值,并为将来快速发展敞开了大门。Pieter 是Hendrix研发中心的分子遗传学家和基因组实验室主任;他说:作为一个团队,我们把个人直接成就和公司目标结合在一起。

  For Hypor, the Genomics Laboratory is a crucial success factor in the routine execution of the Genomic Breeding Program. Already, all DNA samples of the different nucleus farms around the world are shipped and processed centrally within the Genomics Laboratory in France. With the Laboratory's enhanced capabilities, Hypor and Hendrix Genetics are set to extend the possibilities of genetic breeding.


  To find out more about the Genomics Laboratory, please visit: www.hendrix-genetics.com/en/innovation.aspx or contact Hypor directly to discuss genomics with: benny.van.haandel@hendrix-genetics.com

  Hypor is one of the world's leading suppliers of swine genetics. Committed to providing superior genetics, that support profitability in the pork value chain. With its head office located in Boxmeer, the Netherlands, the company has strategically located and interconnected breeding centers in North America, Europe and Asia.

  Hypor is part of Hendrix Genetics, headquartered in Boxmeer, the Netherlands-EU, a leading multispecies breeding company with 5 primary activities: layer breeding (Institut de Sélection Animale-ISA,), pig breeding (HYPOR), turkey breeding (HYBRID), aquaculture breeding (LANDCATCH) and poultry distribution (GRELIER, GRELAVI, GRELEGER, STVO ,ALS, SFPA, INTEGRA, JOICE & HILL)。 The company is dedicated to generating solutions for the animal protein sector that solve the challenges of today and tomorrow. Backed by a strong portfolio of leading brands, Hendrix Genetics provides expertise and resources to producers in more than 100 countries, with operations in 24 countries and more than 2.400 employees worldwide. With respect and care for people, animals and the environment, it is clear that now – more than ever before – Hendrix Genetics is ready and dedicated to delivering better breeding today, for a brighter life tomorrow.


  For more information, please contact:

  Hypor, a Hendrix Genetics Company

  Benny van Haandel

  Director R&D

  Tel: +31 485 801 951

  Email: benny.van.haandel@hendrix-genetics.com

TAG: 种猪 基因组 实验室
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