

发布: 2017-07-04 |  作者: 佚名 |   来源: 转载

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  Pork Commentary


  加裕总裁兼CEO   Jim Long


  Jim Long President – CEO Genesus Inc




  US Lean Hogs Reach 90¢




  Last Friday US lean hogs reached 90¢ lb. Pork demand is and lower hog supplies are driving prices higher.  Packers margins remain good with USDA pork carcass cut-outs over $1.01 per lb. Producers and Packers both making money.  It’s a virtual day at Disneyland for the Pork Industry.


  我父亲总是说,市场导向的一个主要指标是“谁在给谁打电话”。 加工商称几乎好几个月没有人在寻找生猪,在世界猪肉博览会上我们接到了加工商的电话。对我们来说,这预示着价格上涨。自世界猪肉博览会以来,瘦肉型生猪已经上涨了每磅10美分或每头猪20美元。谁在给谁打电话!随着新屠宰加工厂的投产,我们期待更多的来电。随着猪肉分割价格超过了每磅1.00美元的浮动,以及更低量的生猪供应,经营良好的加工商盈利丰厚。我们预计未来几周将有更高的分割猪肉价格和更高的瘦肉型生猪价格。


  My father always said a major indicator of market direction was “who’s calling who.”  For many months Packers called virtually no one looking for hogs, at the World Pork Expo we had Packers calling.  To us it was an indication of a coming surge in prices.  Since the WPX lean hogs have jumped over 10¢ lb. or $20 per head.  Who’s calling who! As the new packing plants come on board we expect even more calling.  With surging Pork cut - outs over $1.00 a lb. lower hog supplies, good packer margins.  We expect higher pork cut – outs and higher lean hog prices over the next few weeks.




  For months even when summer lean hog futures were in the 60’s we steadfastly wrote summer lean hogs would reach into the 80’s.  This was based on Global Hog Prices we monitor as indicators where North American competes in the export market.  Exports pull prices.  A lot of forecasters talk about countries they never been too or done business in.  We are fortunate in our business to get daily Global Market exposure; it helps us see beyond what used to be called the “back 40 acres”.




  It’s one of the reasons Genesus is directly involved in the Global Mega Producer project.  It’s a Global Industry.  We need to all “Think Globally, Act Locally”.




  This link will take you to an interview re Global Mega Producer held at the World Pork Expo.






  Ontario Pork Congress




  This past week we attended the Ontario Pork Congress.  Ontario as a province of Canada has about 300,000 sows.




  Our Observations




  Happy Producers Surging U.S hog prices which Canada mirrors and a Canadian dollar that is worth 75¢ to the U.S dollar is leading to Canadian Farrow to Finish profits of between ($70-90 per head currently)




  Ontario has not enough packing capacity.  20-25,000 head a week travel 10 hours to Quebec for market.




  Ontario has many producers.  There are only 2 producers with over 10,000 sows, they are in the 15,000 range.  Most are family farms, grow corn, raise hogs, own land.  Land is in many areas is C $20,000 an acre ($44,000 Hectare).  The wealth from land and livestock production has lead to many producers having net worth in the multi million range.




  There are some new sow barns being built, some finishing.  Hard to get building permits to build.  Sow Barns 2500 sows - $5 million U.S.  Finishing $300 U.S space (2500 head).  Some expansion but also smaller produces quality.  Land at $20,000 acre, generational change, age of barns – equipment, labor availability, all contributing to some producer exiting.  When dust settles we expect little net sow expansion.


  在安大略省猪肉会议上,有很多关于密歇根州新屠宰加工厂的言论。那里离一些安大略生产商只有不到4小时的路程。当这个厂开始投建的时候,可能会导致一些猪群的移动。当密歇根州的屠宰加工厂投产时,泰森食品、印度猪肉和JBS Swift ad Hadfield可采购的生猪将会更少。


  Lots of talk at Ontario Pork Congress about the new packing plant in Michigan.  It is less then 4 hours from some Ontario Producers.  When it starts up probably will lead to some shifting where hogs go.  Tyson, Indian Pork and JBS Swift ad Hadfield pens will have fewer hogs to chase when Michigan starts.




  In Canada Packers will not purchase Paylean hogs.  In the U.S lots of Paylean pigs still fed.  Ontario Hog Producers see the benefit of feeding Paylean in cost and performance.  The Producers have lost that benefit.  A couple producers told us that if U.S packers would buy Paylean fed pigs, they would want to go there.  The economic advantage.





  Global Mega Producers







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