

发布: 2017-06-03 |  作者: 佚名 |   来源: 转载

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  Global Market Report


  Allan Bentley







  The cull sow market does not get a lot of attention. Along with the cash hog market the price of cull sows has increased.  We have doubled the price in the last few weeks. It is grilling season and the brats we love so much will keep the cull sow prices high.




  There are very few sow killers in the business and because of that if one takes down time it will dramatically affect the cull sow price. Short term this will happen after Memorial Day weekend. It is rumored that a large sow processor is taking that week off so we will see prices decline that week. However that cull sow price should bounce right back the following week. It is not always possible, but if you can store those sows for just a week it will pay off.  We should see some $60 sows this summer.




  As for butcher prices in years past I have pushed producers to hedge the 4th quarter at this time. Packing capacity will be increasing during the fall of 2017. Packers have plenty of margins to keep prices unseasonably higher with this added capacity. At current futures prices I see no advantage to look at hedging the 4th quarter. If December hogs reach $68.00, then I would be inclined to take advantage of that price. 





  Genesus Press Release





  Genesus and TQLS Sign Contract




  TQLS was formed by Mr. Lei Wenyong (Thunder in English name) 25 years ago. It is one of the China National Agribusiness Flagships designated by the Ministry of Agriculture with three  business lines including livestock feed, livestock and poultry farming and food processing.  There are over 6,000 employees working for its 51 subsidies across the country with annual turnover near USD $ 2 billion. The Company currently has an inventory of about 3 million egg layers, 600,000 breeding ducks and 20,000 sows. The future expansion of business will focus on production and marketing of branded pork with an projected capacity 4 million hogs in four major locations-Santai County of Sichuan, Liangshan Region of Sichuan, Tongren prefecture of Guizhou and Shihezi prefecture of Xinjiang. Genesus will provide registered purebred swine breeding stock from Canada.  These new genetics will contribute to above TQLS business strategy by lowering the hog production cost and improving meat quality through  the supply of swine genetics and technical service.  




  TQLS and Genesus Contract Signing Ceremony



  中间为雷文勇先生和加裕公司副总裁Mike Van Schepdael


  Center Mr. Lei Wenyong (Thunder) and Mike Van Schepdael Vice President - Genesus

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